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Front cover model Shots


Most magazines use medium close up shots of the subject to show the artist from the waist up, or in some cases choose to go for an extreme close up of their face. The two NME and Mojo magazines that feature Thom York show he is wearing casual clothing including plain t-shirts and a jacket which is something you are likely to see him wearing whilst performing. All these magazines have the subject situated in studio lighting therefore the pictures look professional and dramatic.  Just like Thom York, the majority of other artists are seen to be wearing casual clothing, indicating a laid back attitude which is also reflected through their posture and gestures.

The cover above has the subject (David Guetta) bathed in light with the use of multiple lights, however the light is not harsh so it is likely a fader was used over one or more of the lights.

The use of harsher and brighter light here causes the background to become darker whilst the face of the subject is the only thing visible.

The magazine cover below uses a series of lights surrounding the subject to ensure he is fully luminated making his facial features clear to see whilst the backlight makes him stand out from the background.

The diagram to the left shows how many photoshoots can be set up with the use of multiple lights and reflectors to highlight different parts of the subject. This means you can shoot at any time of the day without the reliance on natural light, which can only be manipulated with the use of a reflector. 

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