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DPS Interview - First Draft


Brayden Quinn aka. Brayden Quinnlan is rapidly becoming one of the hottest names on the Indie Rock scene after emerging early last year. His unique take on the genre quickly earnt him recognition amongst similar artists and fans. We gained the opportunity to speak to him and find out a little more about him.


Q. Brayden, it’s great to get the chance to talk to you! We hear you’re releasing a new album?

A. Definitely, anytime man! That’s right my new album ‘5’ is on sale now, it’s only my second album but I wanted to make it special and allow people to get to know me better.


Q.  It’s called ‘5’? Interesting, where did the name come from?

A. Well as I said I wanted to make the album special and the album name came about five years ago when I had just become interested in Indie Rock, its really a challenge I set myself back then. You know, to become well known or famous in five years time, so the songs are a collection of new material and some of the first songs I made. It shouldn’t be too hard to tell which are which haha. Originally the album was to be called ‘five more years’ but I decided that I liked the simplicity of ‘5’ and because its more of a reflection than a statement.


Q. Wow, so we can expect some interesting stuff?

A. Absolutely! I think the idea of including music I made before becoming as big as I am now is a unique idea that should hopefully gain the attention of a lot of people. It’s also a way of becoming more open with my fans and expressing what I’ve been through over the past five years.


Q. I can’t wait to listen to the album! So how would you describe your life five years ago before all the success?

A. Thanks! It wasn’t particularly great, definitely in comparison, but I enjoyed the little things, like skateboarding. Before really getting into music most of my time would be taken up at the skatepark, learning new tricks whilst getting my fair share of injuries haha. I’d always have competitions with my mates like who could pull off a new trick first or comparing scars, standard stuff really.


Q. What would you say got you interested in music in the first place?

A. I think that’s got to be the first real concert I went to which was the Arctic Monkeys Humbug tour back in 2009, I’d heard about the tour at the time but I wasn’t that keen on going, however my friends were huge fans so eventually I gave in and decided to go. Luckily they performed in England more than once and we managed to get tickets for the performance at Wembley which is my favourite venue to date. The ultimate dream is to get the chance to perform there myself! Before the concert I had never been a huge fan of the Arctic Monkeys or any other artists, but afterwards I couldn’t stop listening to their music, one of my favourites was ‘The View From The Afternoon’ which I actually heard for the first time at that concert.


Q. So it would be safe to say that the Arctic Monkeys were a huge inspiration for you?

A. Totally yeah, I think their music definitely defines the Indie Rock genre and the consistent level of variation between the majority of their songs makes them an iconic band. One of their most popular songs has definitely got to be ‘Do I wanna know?’ which is definitely a personal favourite. I just think all their material is great.


Q. Which Arctic Monkeys album would you say is your favourite?

A. That’s an easy question, it’s got to be ‘AM’ no doubt about it.


Q. What about Quinnlan? Where did it come from?

A. Haha I knew this question would pop up somewhere. It’s not really a name I made especially for my music but more of a nickname I’ve always had, people started calling me Quinnlan and it kinda just stuck. So when I started making my first songs and was dreaming about the future I was certain that I would have ‘Brayden Quinnlan’ plastered on my albums.


Q. You mentioned dreaming about the future and you’ve definitely achieved your dream of having an album but what other goals are still incomplete for you?

A. Well I had so many dreams growing up especially in relation to music, and to be honest I’m not that close to achieving them. Three of my biggest dreams were and still are to perform at Wembley, perform with the Arctic Monkeys and go on a worldwide tour. I would be more than happy to drop everything else to do those three things.


Q. Wow so they’re pretty huge goals! Any ideas of what countries you would most want to tour in?

A. Obviously England due to most of my fan base being here but I’d like to go to a few different countries in each continent which would definitely help to make me more known. It may sound selfish but I just really want to share my music and spread Indie Rock, because I know how inspired it made me, I hope that I’ll have the same effect on others. But to answer your question America, Germany and Japan are high up on my list.


Q. How about venues? Obviously excluding Wembley.

A. In America I’d definitely love to perform at the Starlight Theatre just because of the great view of the stars you get and the open space, it all just works in so well with making a great atmosphere. Not too sure about Germany or Japan, I’d just be grateful to perform there so the venue could be anywhere.


Q. Sounds like great plans! With all this talk about tours, do you have anything in the works?

A. Without giving too much away I can say that yes I will be touring sometime soon, however it unfortunately wont be an international tour, although I’m just as excited because it’ll be my very first!!


Q. Wow well I’m certain everyone will be just as excited as you! Is there anything else you’d like to say before we let you go?

A. I’d just like to thank everyone for the support I’ve had so far and hope it continues into the future! 

DPS Interview - Final version


Brayden Quinn aka. Brayden Quinnlan is rapidly becoming one of the hottest names on the Indie Rock scene after emerging early last year. His unique take on the genre quickly earnt him recognition amongst similar artists and fans. We gained the opportunity to speak to him and find out a little more about him.


Q. Brayden, it’s great to get the chance to talk to you! We hear you’re releasing a new album?

A. Definitely, anytime man! That’s right my new album ‘5’ is on sale now, it’s only my second album but I wanted to make it special and allow people to get to know me better.


Q.  It’s called ‘5’? Interesting, where did the name come from?

A. Well as I said I wanted to make the album special and the album name came about five years ago when I had just become interested in Indie Rock, its really a challenge I set myself back then. You know, to become well known or famous in five years time, so the songs are a collection of new material and some of the first songs I made. It shouldn’t be too hard to tell which are which haha. Originally the album was to be called ‘five more years’ but I decided that I liked the simplicity of ‘5’ and because it’s more of a reflection than a statement.


Q. Wow, so we can expect some interesting stuff?

A. Absolutely! I think the idea of including music I made before becoming as big as I am now is a unique idea that should hopefully gain the attention of a lot of people. It’s also a way of becoming more open with my fans and expressing what I’ve been through over the past five years.


Q. I can’t wait to listen to the album! So how would you describe your life five years ago before all the success?

A. Thanks! It wasn’t particularly great, definitely in comparison, but I enjoyed the little things, like skateboarding. Before really getting into music most of my time would be taken up at the skatepark, learning new tricks whilst getting my fair share of injuries haha. Things have changed since then although I wouldn’t say I’ve made it in the music industry just yet, I’d say I’m here to stay!


Q. What would you say got you interested in music in the first place?

A. I think that’s got to be the first real concert I went to which was the Arctic Monkeys Humbug tour back in 2009, I’d heard about the tour at the time but I wasn’t that keen on going, however my friends were huge fans so  eventually I gave in and decided to go. Luckily they performed in England more than once and we managed to get tickets for the performance at Wembley which is my favourite venue to date. The ultimate dream is to get the chance to perform there myself! Before the concert I had never been a huge fan of the Arctic Monkeys or any other artists, but afterwards I couldn’t stop listening to their music, one of my favourites was ‘The View From The Afternoon’ which I actually heard for the first time at that concert. 


Q. So it would be safe to say that the Arctic Monkeys were a huge inspiration for you?

A. Totally yeah, I think their music definitely defines the Indie Rock genre and the consistent level of variation between the majority of their songs makes them an iconic band. One of their most popular songs has without a doubt got to be ‘Do I wanna know?’ which is definitely a personal favourite. I just think all their material is great.  


Q. Which Arctic Monkeys album would you say is your favourite?

A. That’s an easy question, it’s got to be ‘AM’ no doubt about it. 


Q. What about Quinnlan? Where did it come from?

A. Haha I knew this question would pop up somewhere. It’s not really a name I made especially for my music but more of a nickname I’ve always had, people started calling me Quinnlan and it kinda just stuck. So when I started making my first songs and was dreaming about the future I was certain that I would have ‘Brayden Quinnlan’ plastered on my albums.


Q. You mentioned dreaming about the future and you’ve definitely achieved your dream of having an album but what other goals are still incomplete for you?

A. Well I had so many dreams growing up especially in relation to music, and to be honest I’m not that close to achieving them. Three of my biggest dreams were and still are to perform at Wembley, perform with the Arctic Monkeys and go on a worldwide tour. I would be more than happy to drop everything else to do those three things because music is my passion. It helps me disconnect from the world.


Q. Wow so they’re pretty huge goals! Any ideas of what countries you would most want to tour in?

A. Obviously England with most of my fans based here but I’d like to go to a few different countries in each continent which would definitely help to make me more known. It may sound selfish but I just really want to share my music and spread Indie Rock, because I know how inspired it made me, I hope that I’ll have the same effect on others. But to answer your question America, Germany and Japan are high up on my list.


Q. How about venues? Obviously excluding Wembley.

A. In America I’d definitely love to perform at Madison Square Garden, its such an iconic and well-known venue that only the best get to perform there. However, I’m not too sure about Germany or Japan, I’d just be grateful to perform there so the venue could be anywhere.


Q. Sounds like great plans! With all this talk about tours, do you have anything in the works?

A. Without giving too much away I can say that yes I will be touring sometime soon, however it unfortunately won’t be an international tour, although I’m just as excited because it’ll be my very first!!


Q. Well I’m certain everyone will be just as excited as you! Is there anything else you’d like to say before we let you go?

A. I’d just like to thank everyone for the support I’ve had so far and hope it continues into the future! 


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