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Page furniture/design elements



These pictures show how the magazine used religious symbols and patterns to relate to the subject of the interview featured on the double page spread, as well as making the quote stand out amongst the text wrapped around it. There is also a drops-cap which covers 11 lines of the first page.

Here the text is customised to make it look like paint running down the page, it looks artistic and gains the interest of the reader. Blue text is used for the descritive writing, however the custom font is used to separate the artists from the rest of the paragraph.

These two pull quotes below show how a double page spread can draw the attention of potential buyers who will see them and want to read more to find out the context of the quote.

The picture to the right has the pull quote between the columns of text, with the name of the artist coloured red to distinguish it from the rest of the page.

Here the house style is present across both pictures with the use of the red box around the drops-cap and the quote which matches the Cover Masthead, NME in white letters surrounded by a red box. Additionally, the artists mentioned in the interview are highlighted to show their importance.

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