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Looking back at your preliminary task, what have you learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

I feel that I have learnt a lot in the development from my preliminary task to my main task and the final pieces I produced. Starting out at my preliminary task I had to create a front and contents page for a school magazine using software that I had little familiarity with and a lack of understanding for the conventions used in magazine design, layout and the main conventions for a school magazine in particular. My main challenge was using photoshop, however, after a lot of practice I became very comfortable in using the software and had gained a familiarity with the tools I would go on to use in my main task. I took time in the planning of my school magazine, thinking about the image I would use and the articles that would feature on the front cover and contents, as well as the layouts I would use. After I had my front cover photograph I used an idea that would later assist me in the design of my music magazine, I based my colour scheme around the colours seen within the image, this allowed me to establish a strong house style which then created a connection between the pages. I feel that it helped to gain a quick familiarity with the programme which proved vital when I moved onto my main task and had to use InDesign which I was even less familiar with then when I had first used Photoshop. Looking back on my preliminary task I can see how far I have progressed in terms of producing quality work that has both a pleasing design but also fits clearly into a certain genre.


Completing the preliminary task prepared me for the work I would have to do when tackling my main task, I learnt that I needed a strong understanding of the magazine industry as well as the conventions used within the music genre that would make my magazine identifiable as an Indie Rock Magazine. Additionally, the practice of using photoshop allowed me to increase the quality of my work, whilst also paying close attention to the smaller details and adding in subtle effects to give my magazine a more professional feel. This can be seen on both the front cover and the first contents page, where I used the select tool to pick out a piece of the subject, duplicate it remove the surroundings and then lay it over the same part of the image to create the look of part of his body coming off the page.


Planning became a big part of my magazine as I had to think about the image, where I would take it, what the background would look like and what the subject would be wearing. I took more time in considering all this than I did with my preliminary task as I wanted to ensure my magazine looked as good as possible.


Overall I can see a strong development in my skill with photoshop, understanding of common music magazine conventions as well as designs and there is a sense of progression from my preliminary task to my final pieces which is clear through the quality of the pieces.

Preliminary Task

Main Task

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